it's the "so special award" & it makes me feel so very special so i'm happy that i can make others feel the same way..i'd like to give it to my beautiful sweetie, bella. i already sent her flowers for valentines, but you can never give your sweetie too many blooms..next we have the excellent award. this one was given to me by the jackman ave gang which includes the lovely penny and beauty lola. "This award is given to bloggers who have wonderful outstanding styles and a fantastic ability to keep us thinking, amused and entertained. We now need to send this to ten writers of outstanding style and ability."

mommy was so proud to know that i'd received this award b/c it really means that my bloggie brightens the days of others...YAY!! i'd like to give this award to bogart and peanut.
now..onnnnnnnnn to the tags!! i was tagged by mango & maeby to list 7 unknown things about myself...some of these may be redundant from what i've done one tag a while back..but i'm guessing some of you didn't read that so they can be considered unknown, so to speak?!? hmmm? okey dokey..here we go:
1 - my mommy's special baby-boy nickname is "boobie". it kinda sounds like poopie, but the way she says it just makes my little nub twitch..i know when she calls me that - that i'm good to go, no trouble, no crate, etc.
2 - i've outgrown my smaller crate (which is a large crate)...
3 - i have an obsession with my mommy's body lotions - for some reason they smell & taste good, just like food so i mean why in the world CAN'T i taste it???
4 - i've already lived in 2 states - WV & VA
5 - my middle name is blaze.
6 - doc is predicting that i'll be about 80 - 85 lbs!!!
7 - i'm such a big baby - i hurt my butt a few days ago when i was playing & yelped so loud! mommy dropped to sitting on the floor & i ran right in to her lap & cuddled my face right under her chin - i could not get close enough!!! (i'm such a mama's boy.)
i'm passing this tag along to any pup out there who wants to share new stuff about themselves..b/c i LOVE hearing about all your lives!!! so..i got another tag from my homeboy kaiser from the zoo crew..(yep that's right we totally share the COOOOLEST name ever in the whole universe...)..this is my five faves tag - where i have to go through my old posts, linking them...here's my shot at it:
1 - Link One - Must be about family -- Supplement to "Cough, Cough" & Thanksgiving this post was a very special one with family in it. it was my first trip to see extended family members..i not only took a nice road trip with mommy & daddy, but then i got to meet my nana, my grammie, my pawpaw & other hooman cousins..BUT i also got to meet & play with my cuz layla..who i miss so much!!!
2 - Link Two - Must be about your friends -- Butterflies in My Tummy this post is special because even though i hadn't come to my home in VA yet, i had met my very first pals outside of boxers of cheyenne...they welcomed me to VA & i love them for it...all my posts after that are very special b/c my pawrents & i LOVE reading your comments on all my posts.
3 - Link Three - Must be about yourself -- AKC Registered..etc. this post is one of my fav's about myself b/c it was all about my "officialness"..a very big point in my life as a pup..
4 - Link Four - Must be about something you love -- and Such..i chose this post b/c it has a lot about my life in it...which i love my life so that would explain it..but also - it includes a part about me signing holiday cards for my fam..i love my fam & friends & sending cards...sharing love. :) is that cheesy or what?!? not to mention all the great pics of myself..i'm such a conceited, eh hem, convinced..doggie!!
5 - Link Five - Can be about anything you choose -- last but certainly not least...this post i'm writing right now is probably one of my favs b/c it makes me feel soooooooooo good & loved to receive awards, have been tagged, etc. etc. etc.
i want to tag anyone who hasn't done this tag yet...so get on your blogs & get on it!!! :) woohoo!!!!
NOW...on to other forms of "gifts"..my pal bogart asked a bunch of us bloggie friends to help tastetest some jerky that his hoomans have been making...hard at work i may add..check out his blog if you don't believe me!! anyways...i got my package in the mail..and WOOOOHHHHHEEEEYYYYY...we got the package but mommy made me wait to eat any of it!! i have to say...bogart - your hoomans & your superb quality control efforts were NOT in vain..this was the bestest ever!!! here's me almost taking off mommy's finger as she's holding it for my taste test..

so valentines day is over and i feel like the most loved dog ever. i received so many valentines and pup-o-grams and got so excited opening each one..there are so many to list, but here's a small sample..my honey's...and then the zoo crew...

thanks to everyone for pawticipating..can't wait til the next exchange!! not much else has been going on..i've kinda "reverted" mommy says b/c i'm peeing a lot in this house which means training again...fun fun fun (nooooot)! i got a new toy and a new bed (mommy interjection: which he has yet to sleep on b/c he pees on it every time we put it on the ground). here's a shot of me with my new toy..

i was so shocked to get a new bed, i had no idea they were even considering a new one..they left to go eat brunch, came home and from around the corner i see this HUGE bed...i was SOOOOOOOOOO excited...just look:
alrighty roo..it's about time for the fam to sit down for dinner..so i'm gonna head out...i'll be commenting again soon!
Kaiser, You are so adorable. It's so cute that your a mama's boy.
you will be as big as me. I'm a mama's boy also. SOrry about the leash dude. Mom's need help.
I'm a Mama's boy too! I can give you lessons for staying one even when you're a big boy like me! My mommy thinks you're a very cute Boxer.
xoxo Boxerlickies from Chef
I can't stand mom's body lotions and creams, etc, but Mitch loves them! I think they smell funny!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Kaiser - Why do those humans always say "Momma's boy" like its a bad thing? I'm a big Mamma's boy, too.
Little dude, you gotta quit this peeing in the bed thing. Does your new bed have a waterproof lining? All our doggie beds do from when my Beautiful Raja had leakage issues.
Glad to see you had such a great day. I'm feelin' the love!
To my best bud, Kaiser.....
Dude, you gotta quit peeing on your bed!
From your bud, Kaiser :)
You are getting so big!
You're not a little tiny puppy anymore-
Welcome to the Big Boy Club!!!
A second bouquet, oh my! All my friends are jealous. And I like that you are a mama's boy...my mom says a girl should always look for a boy who treats his mama right!
PS: When's your barkday, Kaiser????
Hi KB wow yous getting to be a big boy puppy!
We jus stopped by to say hi, thank you fur visiting while we had our issues and golly we missed you. We'll trot back by to catchup on all your past adventures soon
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
Hope you got our VDay card xo
KB! big boy puppy ~ romp on over and pick up your winning treat!
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