After a nice, sunny ride in the car with nose poked out the slit in the window..we arrived at one of my FAVORITE places - Bark N' Bubbles!!! (Visit their site here: http://www.barknbubblesdogwash.com/) Everyone is so nice there and I LOVE venturing around the 2-story building. There are so many great smells, they have toys and treatsies. I usually can't have any of the treatsies because I only eat grain-free products but Mommy treated me to a few during my bath because I was such a good boy (or to get my attention since I'm a freak but whatever!)

While we were there, the cutest little pup came in and I swear I thought my Mommy wanted to take him home. I started whining and she claimed it was jealousy but I really just wanted to let them unlatch me so I could go play with him. He is 4 months old and his name is Biggie!! Maybe once he gets older, they'll let me actually play with him.

After we left, and another sunny ride in the car, Mommy took some long way back home and they made 2 stops on the way home...one to some Pet place (which I KNEW had to do with me) and then to some food place for Mommy and Daddy. Mommy gets so cranky now when she's hungry so I knew Daddy must have been forced to do that before taking me home to get pressies.
So, once we got home - I DUG into my own dinner of Wellness Core Ocean Formula (my new food that I LOVE and is the best thing ever in life.. (http://www.wellnesspetfood.com/dog_wellness_grain_ocean.html). After that, I was kinda pooped so I took a nice long snooze in the bed before everyone's bedtime. Dad and I stayed up watching TV because Mom goes to bed early these days..and then we went to bed. They told me before nightie nite that I'd get my pressies and such tomorrow (today).
So this morning, I just waited patiently - didn't even eat my breakfast because I was so excited. They had some big brown bag on one of the chairs and I kept trying to sniff it but they wouldn't let me...something about taking off tags and such. SO THEN...once Mommy got the scissors together - it was TIME...this is me stretching my neck around to see what was going on (notice the nice shiny coat thanks to Pops' wash the day before)..

Here's a pic of me and Ape, my new chewy toy that squeaks on his tummy, his hands and his feetsies! I really just like biting at his crazy hair. Then, there's my new rope ball. Mommy thought I wouldn't be able to lift this one - HAHA - what does she know about that though?!?

Matter of fact, here's the progression of my rope balls...and I can still lift and somewhat toss the biggest one. Just give me a couple weeks..it'll be hitting her (Mommy) upside the head just like I've done with the smaller ones by my nice tosses.

Mommy and Daddy also bought me 2 collars - this is my new regular collar, it's really nice and sturdy. I love my Rasta one, but they said it's stinky. Plus yesterday at Bark N' Bubbles, I pulled Daddy so hard that I unlatched it myself! Thankfully this one shouldn't be that simple to break apart. Then Mommy got this other collar with these prongs that's supposed to get me "in control" on my walks. She tried it this morning and it got my attention quickly - guess I'll just have to behave from now on!

I think that's all for now. We have a big day of football planned today..and Daddy and Mommy are supposed to be taking me to get some new treatsies for my barkday since I'm almost out! Thanks for all the birthday wishes and hopefully I'll get to updating more often if Mommy (and Apple - what we're calling the baby at the moment) will cooperate!
Here are a few pics of my Sissy, Magic (my twin) from her Birthday morning..Happy Barkday to her and my siblings!!

Love and licks to everyone!!!
Kaiser! Dude!!!! You are all grown up! Fantastic birthday party. I have one of those monkeys too. I LOVE it! We are like twins.
Good to see you looking all shiney from your spa treatment with dad.
Party on dude!!!
Kaiser my Love, you're back!!!!!! You don't know how happy I am, especially since you get more handsome with age (I guess that hitting on a younger man makes me a "cougar," but so be it).
Your birthday looked like lots of fun...your Mom and Dad really did a nice job spoiling you (which you deserve, of course). Enjoy it before the little human comes along!
xoxo - Bella
What a beautiful friend you found in Biggie! You're a handsome fellow yourself, all clean and shiny from the spa. What a nice Mommy and Daddy you have. don't worry about Bella - you were their first baby!
Boxer Mama
We love your birthday monkey! It looks like you had one heck of a special day to us, Kaiser!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
what a lovely birthday. My mom says that the picture of you with the monkey could so be mistaken for me. You sure grew up to a big guy
Happy birthday! Looks like you had a great one!
First bark is like babies first work, isn't? This is very cute, he is growin up fast. adn looking very good as he aged. Hapi barkday .
Happy Belated Barkday, KB! You are so grown up, but still adorable!!
Love Clover xo
Hey, did my comment work? Hmm, I hope so.
Kaiser!! Happy 1st Barkday you handsome babe you! we were given a computee to use till ours is fixed but it is limited so we can't see all of your pics but wow the ones we can see ~ you are a handsome pup!
Lots of love licks buddy celebrate all month long K?! xoxo
Hi Kaiser!
It's soooo nice to meet such a busy guy :-).
Whew, so much activity on your barkday... Sissy looks like she was taking it easy, while you were keeping the party going.
Well, just had to say: HAPPY BARRRRRKDAY!
Hope to check in with you again.
Happy Barkday!!! Looks like it was a great celebration!
Kai and crew
Hey Kaiser!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY...I wish you a lot more.Wish you health and long life.
It seems you had lots of fun on your Birthday.
Your Mom and Dad are great.They love you really much.
You should prove to be a good son.
Love and hugs,
Lovely Kaiser,
Wish you a belated HAPPY BARK BIRTHDAY, hugs & licks for my 1 year boxer.
I can’t believe u have become 1 yr old so soon, days are moving fast for you cutie.
U really like 4 months old Biggie, your next birthday present would be Biggie, sure bacon your mom & dad loves u so much.
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