
my day(s) of rest




yep, you guessed it - it's me, your pal Kaiser!!!! luckily i'm back in business & able to post again. thank you so much to everyone who sent great vibes & well wishes, or just thought of me during the day. i can definitely feel the love. i tell you, these arguments with my tummy & intestaments..intesta..my insides have had my life in shambles..well okay, not shambles but i can tell you that it hasn't been pleasant. technically i feel the same as always, but i just can't stop going to the bathroom/shooting poo when i'm out there.

now to the health recap & update:

- had a fecal exam showing signs of giardia & was put round of metronidazole & dewormer

- switched to wolf cub bison/salmon food in case of chicken allergy

- still suffered from loose stool & went for full course of exam

- had regular exam, xrays, blood panel, etc. etc. etc. (so kewl b/c daddy was able to see my growth plates & everything)


- results came back positive & pretty normal for a growing pup

- i did have an elevated white blood cell count but doc figured it's cuz i have an allergy

- doc thinks i'm too young to have developed colitis

- mommy has to call to update her on my stool tomorrow & we'll go from there

either me or mommy will update everyone as the plot thickens...right now, we're just going to try to figure out what it is..but doc thinks we shouldn't worry too much at this moment since i'm obviously getting my nutrients, gaining weight & staying active


so now that the poo-ey (literally & figuratively) part of the post is over with...we'll get on to the regular updates..again - woohoo, our NY Giants just won the Super Bowl! this is a very excited household & i'm having trouble even typing cuz dad is busy screaming, clapping & acting completely crazy - i think mommy screamed & she definitely got a jump or 2 in there..i'm just sitting here looking at the 2 of them like they're looney - i did get a bark, a few whines & a chase of the tail in the mix but geeeeeeeze, can't a pup just update his blog in a peaceful setting?!?

anywho..i spent a little time snoozing & a lot more time running around, acting like a clown..

but overall i was up & about, running around getting into whatever trouble i could find. in the midst of being sick, i've grown a great deal of weight without anyone knowing the wiser..i had outgrown my "puppy" collar that i got from mama shirley at boxers of cheyenne...it didn't hurt to outgrow but mom said it was about time to change it anyways as the other one was beginning to smell a little. so here's my new rasta pup collar.

as you can see in this pic, i have a bad habit of leaving my kibble EVERYWHERE & it drives mommy mad!! i couldn't really help it here, i was actually quite famished & low on energy so it was all i could do not to choke. but holy moly, wow-wee after i finished that lovely bowl of yummy goodness, i felt like stretching my legs to get some hours worth of daddy-playtime...

mommy came up to me, upset that i had left all that kibble on the ground..so i tried to just give her the evil, rolling of the eyes...

she didn't appreciate it all that much & tried to assert some control/force in the situation...i told her "mooooooooooom, i am BUSY playing with my daddy..please don't make me stop or i will most certainly throw a temper tantrum"....

she kept on & on, so i FLIPPED OUT!!!! "MOMMMYYYYYYYYY, i do not want to go in there"

but she made me go clean it up anyways & said we were not having any person, animal or any of the like leaving a mess like that in this household for her to clean up..then she fussed at me for being disrespectful & put me in my crate, all by my lonesome in the room. :( what a bummer!?!

after i got out of prison - i was pretty unruly & peed in the house twice just today. they were pretty mad with me but mommy says she thinks it's all the pent up energy from being sick & not being able to take longer walks b/c we didn't want my water poo everywhere for other dogs to get into & get sick. who knows..they're supposed to talk to doc tomorrow to figure out where to go from here with my diagnosis...


so mommy says that some groundhog saw his shadow yesterday & that means we're gonna have 6 more weeks of winter! now, i don't exactly know what or who this groundhog is, nor do i understand how his shadow even talks b/c i chase my shadows constantly & they never once play back, or run from me, much less tell me anything.. either way, i don't know if i can take that much more winter b/c i'm ready to get out & about without worrying about the snow or tucking my tail under just to warm my booty...

don't get me wrong, i mean - like my mommy - i do love my sunbathing

but i'm SO ready to do it outside as opposed to in front of the french doors...i guess i'm just gonna have to talk to Penny, Lola & Sherman so we can figure out how to get to PA so i can reason with this groundhog AND his shadow.

PPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSSS - don't forget to email me (kaisertheboxer@gmail.com) by tomorrow night fif you wanna pawticipate in the valentine's exchange!!!

pppppppppssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss - i'll be catching up on comments so be patient with me :) slobberz!!


Duke said...

How about them Giants, Kaiser! Dad was feeding us peanuts all night! hehehehe
Our paws are crossed that you get all of this poo business under control! We're sure it's no fun at all!
We love your new collar! It's very striking!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Kaiser! I knew you would get better. I have kibble issues too and that's why I have to dine al fresco unless the weather is really bad. Even so, I get kibble caught in my lips and it kinda falls out around the house.

Love that shot of you going totally cracker dog. Hope you can resume normal walkies soon.

Your stripey pal,

Ferndoggle said...

Yay for the Giants!! Woo Hoo.

I love sunbathing too Kaiser. I could lay in the sun for hours & hours and never get sick of it.

Watch your mailbox for a Valentine's box from me!


Mack said...

You look like you are feeling great Mr. Kaiser!

Those were some really great pics of you too!

Peanut said...

Oh man we are glad you are feeling better even if the poo situation hasn't cleared up. What was your mom thinking making you go in jail?
the new color is great.

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Kaiser, we are glad the doctor's test came out so well. We are sure the last one will be good too.

It sure looks like you are feeling better. We guess it helps that your team won the big game.

Do wear yourself out. You should probably rest a little more. Naps are always good.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

The Zoo Crew said...

Glad you are feeling better, Kaiser! Before long, you'll be as good as new :) We like to sunbate around here too and sure wish it would stop snowing today so we'll actually want to step foot outside!!

Peace + Paws,


Randi said...

Wow Kaiser! We have so much in common!

Daddy playtime is the bestest...!!! & Sunbathing ranks right up there!

So happy you are feeling better...& don't worry too much about leaving kibble when you are dining..you are just a wee pup & will learn that you should leave it there for later...snacking is great too...

I love you new rasta collar...so cool!

Looking forward to the Valentines Exchange!

Love & Licks,

Dexter said...

Hey, little dude, just checkin' in to see how your squirty little butt is doin'

Get all those cooties out.


wally said...

Whoa dude! That's a lot of butt info! I hope you're doing better and it's something manageable. Maybe you have butt explosion sympathy with my sissy? Or maybe you were too excited about the footballs! That was an exciting game! My butt almost exploded with excitement.


ps. Your new collar is TOTALLY HOT!

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Kaiser, I've had poopy business happening my whole darn life ... and I'm practically 9! I've been on every single high end dog food ever ... well, almost. I was on Wolfking for a couple of years and mom just switched me to Natural Balance Limited Ingredients (no grains), for a change. It doesn't really matter much. My poos are always kind of puddingy (sorry for the visual). She finally figured out that if she puts a probiotic on my food, my poops are nearly perfect. Maybe that's all you need, little dude.


Chef said...

Hi Kaiser... just found your blog and I like you very much! Don't worry, I had poopy issues too and I outgrew them. Boxers have a real sensitive gut. Sometimes, you just have to keep switching foods til you hit on the right one that agrees with you. As long as you're gaining weight, it doesn't sound too serious. I was so skinny and I'm just starting to bulk up now and have better poopies. So be patient... in the meantime, I'm real glad you're feeling better.
xox Chef

Lorenza said...

Hi, Kaiser!
I am Patriot fan... so I am sad...
I have my paws crossed for you. I hope all those "poop" issues go better soon!
That sunbathing picture is adorable!
Kisses and hugs

The Zoo Crew said...

Hey Kaiser!! Stop by my blog...you've been tagged!

Peace + Paws,


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Congrats on your team's win! You have some lovely pics of you on this blog. I hope you are feeling better now too!

I am late catching up with everyone - I blame it on the Jeannie I live with.

love and many licks, Marvinxxxxx

Maeby said...

Oh Kaiser, I am so happy to see you are doing better!! Just wanted to let you know (if you are up to it) that I have tagged you in my latest post!

Bark at you later!


Dexter said...

Kaiser! Sun baking rocks! I bake out on my Observation Deck until I am sizzling hot!


Dexter said...

I was surfing on YouTube and found this cool video of a mastiff and boxer having a party.

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hey ya KB! Yeah Giants! we's were rooting fur the under doggies and yeah! good game huh? well little guy sounds like your feelin a bit better and it sounds like ya'll will get the poopy thing undercontrol. It happens to ea of us from time to time. Great pictures pal and oh, trot over whenya can we got a bloggie treat fur ya

Love Licks & waggin TX tails