
we have a sick puppy... :(

morning to all you animals (humans included) out there..this is kaiser's mom sitting in to write a bit...and to let everyone know that we haven't posted an update because kaiser has been a sick puppy.

from the time we've gotten him, he's often had loose stool just because of changes in his diet with the kennel cough medication and possible food allergies. after his latest food switch, his stomach had not settled (so to speak) and the frequency with which he had to poo increased to almost 4 or 5 times per 1 short walk. his father and i immediately became worried, taking him to animal alpha last weekend for a fecal exam.

dr. segl ended up finding some giardia, prescribed us a dewormer and metronidazole which he is still in the process of taking. she was pleased to see, as were we, that he weighed about 40 pounds and obviously had been receving all of his nutrients. through everything, kaiser has never seemed "sick" - his disposition stays joyful and just as much puppy as ever and his activity level has increased despite him ever having been ill in any form.

two days ago, upon letting him out of his crate for his morning walk and "chow down" - he threw up food from the evening before. we attributed it to his medication because he didn't act differently and ate like a champ, per his usual greedy self. last night before dinner, our play was put on pause due to him vomiting twice - 1st with kibble he had just eaten and immediately after jumping around, the 2nd of what looked to be stomach acid and after just walking around. we again figured it to be the medication because he had no problem eating all of his food or with running around for hours afterward, playing with his new toy. he slept well and was uber-active this morning, immediately wanting to be fed, then moving on to his new toy.

on his pre-get in the car-let's go to work walk, we noticed streaks of red blood in his stool which was loose as it was before starting this treatment. i called dr. segl this morning to discuss everything and she has a suspicion that he has colitis, but wants to proceed with more testing - a full work up, possibly xrays, and worst-case scenario endoscopy. kaiser's dad will be taking him over in a couple hours for the full work up and exam, and hopefully we can figure out what ails him.

again, kaiser seems to be a healthy puppy from his actions and disposition so the situation has yet to be "dark"..but it is most definitely worrisome to his father and myself..and even to kaiser who looks so confused and helpless after he throws up..our poor baby. i will continue to update you all on his status as we find out new information. please send all of your good vibes our way as kaiser loves to sit with me and read your comments/blogs!!!

and don't forget...
valentines exchange
to pawticipate - email address to kaisertheboxer@gmail.com
deadline to email - monday, february 4th, 2008
list to be circulated to pawticipants - tuesday, february 5th, 2008


Ferndoggle said...

Poor little guy! No fun being a sick puppy...or having a sick puppy for that matter. Lola had a lot of stomach issues when she was a tyke but they seemed to work themselves out by the time she was 6 months or so.

We'll keep him in our thoughts & will send all of our good vibes for a speedy recovery. Give that mushy face a big kiss for us!

Jen & The Dogs

Sparky said...

I was sick a couple of weekends ago, and it was no fun - - it included watery poo with blood at the end, and vomiting that smelled like the poo. Our house was under seige!!!

My vet lady said I had an intestinal virus, and ordered a fast and then plain rice diet, which sucked big time. The vet lady also told my mama that we should go to a rice diet once every couple of months to clean our systems out.

Duke said...

Poor Kaiser!
We're sending you lots of AireZen, buddy and we're hoping that the doctors can figure out how best to help you! We feel so bad!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Brat Pack said...

We've got our paws crossed that he's feeling better soon. Please keep us updated.

We're always here if you need anything.

Maryann & The Brats

The Zoo Crew said...

All paws crossed here too for a speedy recovery!!

Peace + Paws,

The Zoo Crew

Maeby said...

Aww Kaiser! I hate that you are not feeling that well and getting so sick. I really hope you doctor figures out everything and you start getting better reallly soon! Being a mighty boxer, I know you will pull through!

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Poor Kaiser. We hope the vet figures out what is wrong and gets it all cleared up. Being sick is no fun at all. We will be sending healing dachsie thoughts and prayers to Kaiser. Let him know we are thinking about him!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Anonymous said...

Heya guys,

My mommy took that awful metrzole med.She was allergic to it.she threw up and felt like she was on a roller coaster,its a tough med.Get better.Hope all will be well
Love Gunner & Shawny

Mack said...

Oh poor guy! I hope Kaiser gets to feeling better soon.

Let us know what you find out.


Bella the Boxer said...

Poor Kaiser! Are you feeling any better today? I can sympathize with you, though. I have a very delicate stomach and even ended up in the animal hospital with acute pancreatitis. Turns out I can't handle anything too rich or fatty. My Mom always adds a tablespoon of plain yoghurt or cottage cheese to my kibble, which helps. An occasional rice diet (as suggested by Sparky) also helps. Hang in there...I want my Valentine to feel better!

xoxo - Bella

Mack said...

How ya feelin today K-man?

Dexter said...

Kaiser. You need to get better. I bet you ate something bad and now you have stomach cooties. Happened to me when I was a baby. Your Mom and Dad will take good care of you and make you all better. Be brave, little man.


Addie said...

Hi Kaiser,

I hope you are feeling better. My Mommy was surfing and found your blog. I came from Boxers of Cheyenne too. Just wanted to say Hi and hope you are feeling better!


Randi said...

Hi Kaiser! I'm so sorry you are feeling Icky....please have your vet do a complete blood panel if you haven't done so already...sometimes they are costly..but you can really tell what's happening by more tests...tests suck I know..but we need you healthy little boy!

I'll be emailing you for the valentines exchange!

Love & Licks,

Bogart H. Devil said...

Aw Kaiser, sending you Aire Zen and major good poop vibes my friend!!! Those things can take awhile to get the right diagnosis, hang in there handsome!!!

My mama wants to send you something - a sample of the yummy dog treats we're making (it's doggie jerky with no junk added to it - one is just chicken breast jerky and one is just beef heart jerky!) - if you want some, just drop me an email with your address (my email is bogarthandsomedevildog@yahoo.com) and I'll get ya some right out! If you'd rather not, I certainly understand buddy...


Peanut said...

Oh my poor little buddy. We hope you get it all figured out.